Audit events table

This table contains all events raised by sys.audit() or PySys_Audit() calls throughout the CPython runtime and the standard library. These calls were added in 3.8.0 or later (see PEP 578).

See sys.addaudithook() and PySys_AddAuditHook() for information on handling these events.

CPython implementation detail: This table is generated from the CPython documentation, and may not represent events raised by other implementations. See your runtime specific documentation for actual events raised.

Audit event



The following events are raised internally and do not correspond to any public API of CPython:

Audit event



file_name, desired_access, share_mode, creation_disposition, flags_and_attributes


src_path, dst_path


name, open_mode, pipe_mode



application_name, command_line, current_directory


process_id, desired_access


handle, exit_code

