Charles Baudelaire

[] Museum of Namur | Félicien Rops Museum | Guided tour [...]

Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867) and Félicien Rops

Baudelaire and Rops first met through the editor Auguste Poulet-Malassis.

In a letter written to Edouard Manet, May 11 1865, the poet said: "Rops is the one true artist - what I and perhaps I alone mean by artist - that I have found in Belgium!"

Rops for his part said: "I was, I believe, not merely a friend, but the most faithful and respectful companion to Baudelaire, I "lightened his sadness in Belgium", as he describes it in a dedication which is very dear to me..."

The poet visited Namur and the family château of Thozée many times.

[frontispice] In 1866 Rops produced the frontispiece for Baudelaire's "Epaves" published by Poulet-Malassis. Baudelaire found this frontispiece to be "filled with ingenuity".

"This oh so lively Monsieur Rops
will never win a prize from Rome,
though his talent is as vast
as the pyramid of Chéops"

Charles Baudelaire

Bernadette Bonnier
Last modified: Fri Mar 22 12:25:36 MET 1996
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