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Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867)

Baudelaire and Rops first met through the editor Auguste Poulet-Malassis.

In a letter written to Edouard Manet, May 11 1865, the poet said:
"Rops is the one true artist - what I and perhaps I alone mean by artist - that I have found in Belgium!"

Rops for his part said:
"I was, I believe, not merely a friend, but the most faithful and respectful companion to Baudelaire, I "lightened his sadness in Belgium", as he describes it in a dedication which is very dear to me....".

The poet visited Namur and the family château of Thozée many times.

In 1866 Rops produced the frontispiece for Baudelaire’s "Epaves" published by Poulet-Malassis. Baudelaire found this frontispiece to be "filled with ingenuity".

"This oh so lively Monsieur Rops
will never win a prize from Rome,
though his talent is as vast
as the pyramid of Chéops"

Les Epaves
"Les Epaves"

Text: B. Bonnier, N. Malinconi, V. Carpiaux - Information
Translation: Caroline McLoughlin
Design and Production: Infographie-Ciger s.a.
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