Félicien Rops - His Drawings

[] Museums of Namur | Félicien Rop Museum | Exhibition | Guided tour [...]

Rops was a draughtsman of some genius: "Pornokratès", "La Tentation de Saint-Antoine", (the Temptation of Saint Anthony), or the series "Cent légers croquis pour réjouir les honnêtes gens", (one hundred light-weight unpretentious sketches to please decent people), L'Attrapade (the Scolding), Le gandin ivre (The Drunken Dandy), to name but a few, are rich testimony to his talent.

[Bouge a matelots] Rops often enhanced his works, using pastels, gouache, technique which was unique to him, ...and this device allowed him to highlight an important detail, to add softness or sparkle, ...

"Le bouge à matelots" (The sailors'den)

Bernadette Bonnier
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