Félicien Rops - the Etching Techniques

[] Museums of Namur | Félicien Rops Museum | Exhibition | Guided tour [...]

Félicien Rops' approach to etching was that of a true alchemist. Beginning with lithography, he soon moved towards etching on metal or "soft point etching". A few basic principles are explained in the following pages and illustrated in the works of Félicien Rops:
[La mort qui danse] La mort qui danse (death dancing)
Mixed media
Félicien Rops Provincial Museum, Namur

Like Baudelaire, Rops was one of the "last satanists" of the century.
The woman, death, Satan are to be found to the same extent in both their poems and art. Here death is represented by a woman, her face with empty eye-sockets, a grimacing smile. But the figure is not fully a "skeleton", her feminine attributes, as Karl-Joris Huysmans once said "places favourable to the madness of men", are still visible.

We can also discern several characteristics of Rops' style, the hat with flowers, the long black gloves, the hitched up skirt, the charming slipper decorated with a pompon ..., a complete language of desire which many others were to follow, from Yvette Gilbert to Gilda.

Bernadette Bonnier
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